Aashaka Desai earns Colonial Athletic Association John Randolph Inspiration Award.
Aashaka Desai earns Colonial Athletic Association John Randolph Inspiration Award.
Center for Autonomous and Robotic Systems to galvanize robotics research at UD.
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The Department of Computer and Information Sciences (CIS) offers two computer science degree majors and an information systems major.
The majority of computer science majors pursue the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSCS) degree, a focused technical course of study. The Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science (BACS) is a more flexible liberal arts program that is especially good for students double- or triple- majoring, or students who desire a technical undergraduate degree before pursuing a professional degree in a subject such as law, medicine, or business.
Undergraduate Programs Overview >>
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Graduate Programs Overview >>
The CIS graduate program is centered around research. Our faculty are internationally known as leaders in their research areas, publishing papers in premier international conferences and journals, winning awards, disseminating software so that others can leverage their research, securing grants from major funding agencies, and training Ph.D. students who themselves become known as prominent researchers. Students can choose from a wide range of research areas, including:
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Read more about Computer Science outcomes here.
Read more about Information Systems outcomes here.
Computing Museum creators reflect on rapid advancement of technology
UD’s new Spectrum Scholars program promotes a welcoming environment for undergraduate students with autism at UD that enhances their ability to thrive in academic environments and campus life. In collaboration with JPMorgan Chase & Co. and administered by the University’s Center for Disabilities Studies, undergraduate students with autism receive comprehensive coaching and career development opportunities during their undergraduate experience as they work toward a successful career.